Saturday 11 February 2017

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is a romantic time of year in Style Boutique 2/Style Savvy 3 and there are a number of Valentine's themed items to collect in the game. It is celebrated on February 14th in the game and compared to other holidays celebrated in the game, there are not many activities to take part in around the city.

When you first start up the game, the little carriage that travels across the top screen that normally displays the time will say 'Happy Valentine's Day' and romantic themed music plays in the background. After you exit your apartment, a random NPC will appear and talk to you about whether or not they will receive a gift this year.

Head to Cafetiere Close and visit the Live Music Club and talk to Keisha who will wish you a Happy Valentine's Day. She will inform you that a popular girl group is playing tonight and a short animation will play of the girls performing.

If you visit the various shops around the city, the characters will greet you with Valentine's themed greetings. If you play the game on other special days such as birthdays and Halloween, characters will have similuar holiday themed greetings. On the days leading up to February 14th, characters will remind you that Valentine's Day is coming soon.

Head to the Exhibition Hall and you will be greeted by Laurie who will wish you a Happy Valentines Day.

Visit each of the brand stores to receive a Valentine's themed greeting from the brand representatives.

There is a Valentine's themed outfit that is available from the Purple Moon brand during the month of February. The outfit consists of the Chocolate Valentine Sheath Dress and the Valentine Long Socks.

There is a Valentine's themed miniature available to unlock by completing the photo shoot titled 'Super Sweet Valentine'. Once you have completed this photo shoot, you will receive the cake display miniature.

The 'Super Sweet Valentine' photo shoot will appear randomly in the game and does not specially occur on Valentine's Day. It usually appears during the winter months in the game.

There is a Valentine's themed make-up set that can be unlocked during January and February. Visit Cafetiere Close during those months between the hours of 6:00 and 11:59 and talk the NPC with the musical note. They will give you the Chocolate Cupcake make-up item which you take to Tarquin on the second floor of the Beautician. He will then give you the My Valentine set. More information on make-up sets can be found here.

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Wow, they really go all out on Valentine's Day! I wonder what happens when you start up the game on Easter.

    1. Wait and see. Easter is coming up soon :)

    2. So I started up yesterday, but nothing special happened. It turns out this game doesn't acknowledge Easter.

    3. The game has a few Easter themed miniatures but that's about it.
