Thursday 21 September 2017

Callie's Outfit

Style Boutique features a wide range of characters to meet during the course of the game. The main characters play a certain roles within the game, i.e. runs the hair salon or works at the Exhibition Hall. Each main character has a designated outfit the game gives them. You will however have the chance to alter the outfit of some of the main characters at your Boutique.

This guide will look at one of Callie's outfits she wears in the game. Callie's style focuses on bold fashion and she is often seen wearing striking items. Here is an picture of Callie wearing the outfit the game assigns to her during the warmer months of the game. You can alter her outfit when she requests it at your Boutique. She will change her outfit herself when the seasons change in the game.

The following items make up Callie's outfit:
  • AZ-USA = Striped Shoulder T-Shirt (Blue)
  • Marzipan Sky = Girly Waistcoat (Black)
  • AZ-USA = Sequin Belt Skirt (Black)
  • AZ-USA = Chain Strap Sandals (Black)


  1. For some reason, Callie wore this outfit during winter EVEN THOUGH IT DOESN'T KEEP HER WARM. I'm guessing she also wears this during summer even though it's hot. Has Callie lost her mind in the game?!?!

    1. Haha she obviously doesn't check the weather outside before she heads out. I love this outfit on her, but yes it's totally not warm enough for the cooler months.

    2. You're right. Callie isn't quite the weather checker. Can't she throw on a black scarf in winter or remove that waistcoat in summer?

    3. Amazingly I see people wearing outfits like this in winter here if you drive in the city at night near the nightclub areas. Those girls must be freezing!

  2. I've only played the demo but I find these things weird:
    1. Hope is addicted to Callie
    2. Hope wants to be Callie
    3. Why didn't we get kicked out the beautician's/hairdresser's?
    4.WHY WOULD SOPHIE TRUST A RANDOM WOMAN TO TAKE CARE OF HER SHOP?! Do the people have THAT much trust over there?!
