Saturday 8 July 2017

Brands - Brooke Bridge

There a variety of brands featured in Style Boutique 2/Style Savvy 3 that cater to all tastes in fashion. One of the brands is Brooke Bridge which focuses on preppy and school fashion. The game lists the following description for the brand "Coordinate tailored items with scholarly motifs and get preppy with Brooke Bridge's traditional revival!" Customers who are students love this brand and a large amount of items in this brand fall under different styles.

Brooke Bridge's main image is Preppy and clothing items in the brand also fall under the following images: girly, gothic, bold, feminine and rock. The brand can be found on the second floor of the Exhibition Hall and the brand representative is Erika. For the Brooke Bridge brand, each section of clothing contains the following amount of items:
  • Inner = 92
  • Tops = 223
  • Outer = 143
  • Trousers = 71
  • Skirts = 104
  • Dresses = 83
  • Socks = 59
  • Shoes = 81
  • Leg Warmers = 1
  • Gloves = N/A
  • Bags = 65
  • Necklaces = 6
  • Scarves = 15
  • Glasses/Earrings/Etc = 16
  • Headwear = 60
Here are examples of the clothing items from each clothing section that are part of the Brooke Bridge brand.

In the EUR/AU and NA versions of the game,the Christmas Tartan Dress and Christmas Tartan Leg Warmers from the Japanese Christmas DLC set have been incorporated into the game and can be purchased at the Exhibition Hall during the month of December.

Visit the Designer Lounge to complete requests to design clothing for Brooke Bridge. Please visit the Designer Lounge Request Guide for further information. There are seven requests available for the brand which are as follows:
  • Sports Bag
  • Shirt
  • Blazer & Bottoms
  • Waistcoat & Bottoms
  • Shirt & Tie
  • Sleeved Sailor Shirt
  • Sleeveless Sailor Shirt 


  1. There's a storyline in the game, where two girls ask me to give them preppy outfits for a concert that night. The next day, they come back to my boutique and announce that they are forming a band. All they need is a bassist and a singer. After they leave, a customer comes in asking for either a feminine or preppy outfit because she is auditioning to sing in a band. Then another comes in asking for an eastern or preppy outfit to wear to a guitar contest. Once I've completed their orders, the original two girls come in to invite me to a Battle of the Bands at the live music club, where I take a photo with the new band.

    I'm not sure if this storyline can occur at any time, or it's just a seasonal thing as it seems to only happen around winter. Either way, it gives me an opportunity to sell some preppy items.

    1. I vaguely remember this story line, I think it's near the start of the story line maybe.

  2. This is my favorite style to work with.

    1. Preppy fashion is an amazing style, I wish the brand got more love :)
